Tuesday, June 23, 2015

BOYS TO MEN: Reasons why you need your son "Swagger-ful"

Flashing back to 1985's Boys II men American vocal group, one noticeable thing is their dressing swagger. They dangled bow ties and a characteristic caps that growing boys 'bought' into their youthful culture.
It is becoming a phenomenon for young parents to fit their sons into sizable and fashionable dressing. One such mother is not left out of the boys II men swagger.
Visiting Lilian at her home meant a glimmering smile as she exposes her styled son to the glare of 'World' camera. She explains to me the need to keep your little sons at the brim of style.
Lilian made reference to the 1985 R&B quartet which warmed my heart.

  • It is a savoring relief to see your handsome son grow from boyhood with fashion. It earns you respect.
  • The world where we live in welcomes and tries to identify with good.... Make your sons smart with swag. They wont disappoint.
  • Smart boys command authority amongst their peers
  • They are the estate darling for all female human being thus much love for the mom.

Lilian smiles as son poses for the camera

    Swagger cap 
  • Style and swag boost kids confidence just like in any man. This enhances school academic performance in yo' kid.

I really feel inside me the questions you are asking. The panic inside yo' heart can be summed up in one phrase: WHERE CAN MY SON BE FITTED?

You are answered; Lilian and son are tailored at the PHILIAN FASHION DESIGNS- Nairobi Kenya
Call +254 716 683 533
Be sorted.

boys II men quartet